Only in Las Vegas
There the table and chairs sat, outside of a furniture store. A glorious site less than two blocks from a major interesection. A molded concrete table and chairson Eastern Avenue, just south of McCarren Airport,. Quite expensive, I'm sure. Probably heavy enough that the store doesn't take it inside at night. Lots of fingerprints and dirt. I had no intentions of acquiring it; I'm sure it was far outside my budget and frankly, even though the sight was intriguing, where in the world would I put it? All images in this portfolio are copyright protected (© HY-TEC Images). The materials contained may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or downloaded in any manner. All rights are reserved. Copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of any of these images without written permission from the Artist is strictly prohibited. Thank you for viewing and leaving any comments that come to mind. Best wishes, Carol via