Dislike opportunity

Dear Friends, As we all know, the problem of dislike button usage in 500 got worsen these days and the anonymous dislikers plays some meaningless games with "True photographer's feeling". This has been raised and reported many times to 500 by us and couldn't find better solution. It is great move by "Tony Goran" who starts the protest of NO UPLOAD concept from the supporters against dislike system on this Friday Now we all talking the same word with same feeling. Lets think about the NEXT step on how we communicate the possible solutions to 500 to resolve this issue in a more practical manner. I am sure that 500 will listen to us as along as our solutions are solid and meaningful. We are spending lot of quality time for “Our Art” and sharing our experience on 500 and lets make those time meaningful. Please join us and share the solutions. We will send the final report to 500 to prove the points that "Dislike is like blindness, Open your eyes and see the magic of light". Lets join our hands with "Viktor Korostynski, Tony Goran, Kujaja Jaja" to make this happen. Cheers! via http://500px.com/photo/25931561

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